Three rivers meander among the green mountains, together they gave birth to the Sanjiang Tea. Featuring pretty mountains, clear waters and favorable environment, Sanjiang is internationally recognized as a“Optimum Tea Production Region”by feat of favorable latitude and longitude. It is also regarded as the“Hometown of the First Tea in Early Spring in China”. Sanjiang Tea has a profound history as well as rich varieties. The harvesting period is over 20 days earlier than that in other tea producing areas. Therefore, it is honored the“First Tea in Early Spring in China”. The Sanjiang Early Tea features fresh and tender leaves, graceful and mellow appearance verdant and bright infusion as well as faint and lingering scent. The Sanjiang White Tea features robust leaves with clear white tips, orchid scent and refreshing taste. The Sanjiang Red Tea features red and bright infusion, full-bodied sweet scent, rich flavors and lingering fragrance.
A serve of Sanjiang Tea, A blessing from the Dong countryside. I'm Chen Zhen, welcome friends at home and abroad to visit Sanjiang, to enjoy the Sanjiang landscapes and appreciate the Sanjiang Tea, and to personally experience the hospitality of the Dong people!